Would You Hire These Guys?

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An American Printer Commentary
By Andy & Julie Plata
Co-CEOs, the OutputLinks Communications Group

a group of people standing on a sidewalkLet’s discuss a problem many in the print industry are dealing with – locating and hiring staff - pressmen, print operators, finishing operators, and salespeople.

Could part of the problem be because it is increasingly difficult to hire the “right” people? You know, trained people who are like your past and current staff.

So, maybe it’s time to consider those “other” people. You know, those who look different, have handicaps, or even those who paid their debt to society by serving time.

A 2nd Chance

The story below is a good example of a bad kid who found a 2nd chance opportunity in the print community.

The young guy on the left walked out of school at 16 and couldn’t get a job. Soon after this picture was taken, he nearly killed himself by drinking too much. His mum got so fed up with him moping around at home for over a year that she called a local print finishing company to fix up an interview.

Sixteen years and 81 patents later, things have changed for Graham. Read the rest of his story here >>>


We hope our comments and Graham’s story stimulate discussions on new ways to assess potential new hires.

Thanks for reading. Share thoughts on this topic in the Comments Section below.   

Andy and Julie PlataPromoting print-tec for the digital age,
Andy & Julie Plata
Co-CEOs, American Printer, and the OutputLinks Communications Group

Stay tuned for our continuing discussions and commentaries on the evolving print industry.




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